After 2 years in the making and hundreds of hours put in by filmmakers Anthony Bonello and Nicolas Teichrob. Stand was released this past weekend to rave reviews and incredibly positive feedback. We were in Vancouver on Friday, Victoria Saturday and Tofino on Sunday.
Here is an update by Quiksilver Marketing Manager, Natalie Farrell.
“This past weekend we were fortunate enough to be a part first three premieres of STAND.
The world premiere kicked off in Vancouver at the Fredric Wood theatre, Victoria the next night on our outdoor screen and heading out to Tofino for Sunday night.
All premieres were filled to capacity with excited crowds. Posters, stickers and prizes were given out. Custom made Tshirts and hats were sold along with raffle tickets raising over $3000 for the filmmakers.
The moving and inspiring film wowed the crowds and the feedback was all respect and astonishment of the cinematography, the landscapes, environment, people and culture along the coast. A movement to STAND up against the oil tankers has begun and this is only the beginning for STAND.
Prior to the premieres we received coverage on SBC Surf, The Zone (Radio interview), BC AM (Global Morning news), ION Mag and Quiksilver had an email blast go out.
We are still waiting for Vancouver Sun and The Province write ups.
Thank you to everyone that made this film possible – it is an honour for Quiksilver to be a part of it. ”
Our screening in Vancouver was a special one, not only because it was the first release and first time I saw the film but because our families were with us to share in this special night. Thanks to mom and dad, my true hero’s, for being there. Anthony’s parents had flown out from Australia to be with him and all of Nic’s family were there as well. Thanks to my partner and expecting mother, Jen for all of her support and love.
Personally I want to thank everyone who came out to support the screenings and all the support from film sponsors and my personal sponsors to make the film and the screenings happen. Thanks to the communities and Watchman on Haida Gwaii, the communities of Hartley Bay and Bella Bella and to all those who helped make this film a success.
A big congratulations goes to the filmmakers Anthony Bonello and Nicolas Teichrob who did an outstanding job on the film. Really proud of you guys and what you have created. Thanks for sharing in such an incredible project.
Finally a thank you goes to Dario Phillips of Quiksilver who approached me over a year ago after watching Standup4Greatbear and said that if i ever wanted to do another conservation on the coast that he an Quiksilver would back it. True to his word Dario supported us and helped to make this happen. We were disappointed that Dario could not be up to see the premiere as he had just accepted a new position with Quiksilver in California. Our goal is to get down to LA for a screening there.
I was blown away by this incredible film and very proud to be a part of it. SBC Surf’s, Malcolm Johnson, sent a message his dad has sent about the film which I think sum’s things up pretty well,
“Just finished experiencing STAND, Stunningly persuasive, technically superb, and elegantly scripted and produced. It need’s to be seen by every Canadian.”
Keep an eye out in your local areas for upcoming screenings and head to the website to purchase Stand merchandise and DVD’s.